Wednesday, August 15, 2012


The benefits from ultraviolet therapy on seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp are widely recognized. The sclap should be washed the day hefore the application. Mild erythema exposures to the top and sides of the scalp are given at intervals ol five to seven days. Grenz ray therapy or thorium .\ in alcoholic solution is equally effective if not more so.
For marginal blepharitis, sulfacetamide, Gantrisin or polysporin ophthal­mic ointment is recommended.
Seborrheic dermatitis of the glabrous skin is usually benefited by proper local remedies of which those containing sulfur are the most beneficial. Precipitated sulfur is applied in an ointment or in the form ol lotio alba, to either of which 3 per cent resorcin may be added. As these may be
Seborrheic dermatitis with characteristic involvement
of the eyelids and about die mouth
irritating it is necessary to use them with caution. Ointments containing hydrocortisone, sulfacetamide 10 per cent, vioform 1 to 3 per cent, ammoni-ated mercury 1 to 5 per cent, or crude coal tar 10 per cent arc used. Tarstill ointment or 30 per cent precipitated sulfur in white Vaseline, or bacitracin
Seborrheic dermatitis affecting apex of axilla

Seborrheic dermatitis

Configurate type of seborrheic dermatitis of the pubic region
ointment are often of value in difficult cases. Internal remedies that fre­quently are of value are vitamin B complex and B12, riboflavin, nico­tinamide, crude liver extract injections, thyroid extract and in severe acutely inflamed cases, the sulfonamide drugs.
R    Acid salicylic
Sulfur ppt.   ....................................................................... 5a       1.0
Ol. rusci  .............................................. ,................................        0.6
Ol. almond  ............................................................................        3.0
Vaseline....................................................................... q.s. ad     30.0
M. and S. Apply locally.
The effects of fractional x-ray therapy are uniformly excellent, rapid re­sponse following small exposures. The macular and papular scaly eruptions which occur on the trunk, and the more or less generalized pruritic, exu­dative, and psoriasiform manifestations are best treated by a combination of ointments and irradiation.

1 comment:

  1. Try cure herbals skin care products for different kinds of skin disease treatment.
